Experiential marketing:
Yukon Sourdough rendezvous
I received 3-weeks notice that Ice Wireless had paid for an event sponsorship in the Yukon, which included one of the main booth spaces. The event was a week-long winter celebration full of daily outdoor activities and nightly entertainment. The main issue: they forgot they had nothing planned for it!
Create an engaging booth experience to promote Ice Wireless' new unlimited phone plan and increase brand awareness in a market where sales were historically low.
Brainstormed and implemented a “fun in the sun” beach theme.
Attendees would be tired of hearing about winter, so I wanted to flip the script and give them something they don’t get all the time, the beach!
I decided to incorporate an Instagram station that printed framed, branded pictures of attendees on-site once they shared a picture with #icewireless & #iceunlimited (created exposure for brand and new phone plan on social media).
Coordinated design, printing and shipping of all marketing collateral and booth materials.
Hired and trained 2 Brand Ambassadors (key messaging from client and technical Instagram printer training).
Held daily status calls to ensure all decisions for event initiatives were approved by client.
Offered remote support to ensure everything ran smoothly.
Results & KPIs
80+ Instagram photos shared with #icewireless & #iceunlimited
Generated a 15% increase in phone activation sales that month