csr Influencer Marketing:
BIXI Ride Program
As a corporate social responsibility initiative, Manulife partnered with BIXI and the Heart & Stroke Foundation to raise $100,000 for heart health through the use of BIXI rides throughout the Montreal area. For each BIXI ride on one of Manulife’s branded “heartbeat” BIXI bikes, Manulife would donate $1 to the Heart & Stroke Foundation.
Promote the Manulife x BIXI ride program to acquire 100,000 BIXI rides in Montreal and raise $100,000 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation between May 2019 – October 2019.
I sourced 5 Instagram influencers within the Montreal area who had relevant close-to-home stories about heart health. I then worked with these influencers to create attention-getting video content and leveraged their large local followings so they could share these videos to create engagement around the Manulife x BIXI ride program and ultimately increase ridership.
For each month the ride program was live, I worked with BIXI to setup various incentives for Montreal riders to get engaged and use the bikes. From free film events to picnics in the park, we tied the theme of each promotional influencer video to the incentive of that month and saw a strong average of 190,000+ impressions per video.
In addition to influencer videos, I setup internal cycling events at Manulife Toronto and Montreal offices to bring awareness to the campaign and encourage donations.
Results & KPIs
Met our $100,000 donation goal
Exceeded 100,000 rides between May 2019 – October 2019.
Social engagement of Montreal Instagram influencers: